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美食節目 電視專題採訪

非凡大探索:士林老牌素菜, 健康精緻蔬食


Lonely Planet: Taipei's best vegetarian!!

At the other end of the spectrum is this amazing vegetarian buffet just down the block from the Onion and a few blocks northwest of the Shilin Night Market. Why is this among Taipei's best vegetarian buffets? Simply put, the chef is a genius, with an eye for both colour and flavour. Arrange your meal from dozens of beautifully prepared vegetarian dishes and enjoy. Imagine yourself a painter and the white cardboard tray your canvas.

毫光 回田蔬苑 部落客推薦! 

捷運士林站一號出口.步行約九分鐘即可到達"毫光 回田蔬苑"

營業時間:上午11:00~下午14:30. 晚上17:00~21:00


老闆非常的親切! 今天遇到母親節前夕有點忙.還是找空檔來詢問我們菜色還習慣嗎!

這裡很適合帶家中長輩來聚餐! 氣氛好東西也不錯吃!

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